Аз, както повечето жени, гледам шоуто с удивление опитвайки се да запаметя в главата си всеки един детайл, музика, дрехи, грим, обувки, аксесоари, модел, походка.... Всичко, за това гледам с укорени очи, отворена уста, напомняйки си, че трябва и да мигам понякога.
Това е едно от най-зрелищните, пищните и дългоочаквани събития за цялата година. За него се говори непрекъснато, шуми се много и около ангелите, жените в опита си да угодят на мъжа до себе си и поради своя личен перфекционизъм, искат да знаят всяка една подробност от техния живот- начин на хранене, тренировки, как поддържат кожата, тялото, косата, грим.. Абсолютно нищо не може да остане незабелязано и без нужното внимание.
Аз лично не виждам нищо лошо в това жените да се поддържат и да искат съвети от "специалисти" и техните "идоли". Наистина има защо, те изглеждат в пъти по-добре от останалите модели, поддържат телата си не чрез глад, а чрез упражнения и здравословно хранене, не стигат до крайности като анорексия, изглеждат в отлично здраве и форма и това си личи.
Have you though what is the dream of every man ? Today I did it and reached to a conclussion, every man wants to be with a "Victoria Secret" angel if that's not possible, his girlfriend to look like one. Maybe that is the reason why so many people watch the show, man are staring at angel's bodies and women gazing at every detail- lights, music, outlook of angels secretly hoping to find a difect in their look and prove they are not perfect.
I, like every woman watch the show with astonishment, traying to memorize everything, music, make up, costumes, way of walking, face, model.. Everything, but I end up reminding to myself to blink sometimes.
After all, this is one of the most spectacular, magnificent events of the year. That's why people start talking about it months before that, about the angels too.
Woman want to know every aspect of angel's life, how they keep fit, diet, tips about skin, outlook, hair, everything. They do it for their own perfectionism and because to don't let down their boyfriend. For me it's normal to do it and to want tips from their idols and I don't see a problem with that. The angels look better that other models, they manage to stay fit due to lots of training and dieting, not starving.
I don't have words to describe all that glory, splendid, breathtaking ideas of Designers, Photographers, Art Directors, so I won't even try. Simply because that is a fairy tale and there is a magic all around it. When woman try to take part of that magic to their daily life, they can't but that's impossible. The onliest thing we have to do is sit comfortably and enjoy the show !
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