The idea for this article hit me while I was reading a book which a lot of people consider as trash. I thought the same for it until a friend of mine gave it to me, I am talking about the "Princess diaries", "Why do I have it, even the movies wasn't that good"- I sayed to her. The thrut is when I started reading it, I couldn't stop. There, Miya, the main heroine, has to make a list of the woman she admires the most, so I decided to do the same thing.
1) Коко Шанел/1883-1971/ - Няма спор, Коко е една от влиятелните жени на 20-ти век, направила революция в модата с внасянето на мъжки елементи в женските колекции. Стреми се към изчистени модели дрехи и простота на дизайна. За мен тя е една от най-велите жени някога, опълчва се на изградените вече норми, не се отказва да изразява себе си, амбициозна е, знае как да постигне целите си и е готова на всичко, за да ги постигне. Няма как да не поставя тази жена на първо място. За мен винаги ще си остане идол, човек пред когото се прекланям заради гениалността. Ако някой не е съгласен с мен, трябва да изгледа филма "Коко преди Шанел" и със сигурност, ще се убеди в обратното.
1) Coco Chanel/1883-1971/- There is no doubt, Coco is one of the most influential women of 20st century, she did a revolution in fashion with the introduction of men elements in women's fashion. The most important thing for her is the simplicity of clothes and design. For me, she is one of the greatest women ever, she's rebelious, ambitious, determined, competitive and she's ready to give everything to achieve her goals. If somebody doesn't consider her as influential, has to see the movie "Coco avant Chanel", and for sure will be conviced in the opposite.
2) Anna Wintour/1949/- Editor-in-chef of "Vogue UK" magazine since 1988. I read for her constantly, I want to know everything about her life, early career, qualification, skills, inspiration, way of working, thinking, I don't want to miss even a detail from her life, because she has everything I dream of, she is my role-model. I hope someday to look back and see myself writing this article and say "Well, good job, I did it, it needed years of hard work and privations, but I finally did it".
3)Aundrey Hepburn/1929-1993/- She's a British actress, film and fashion icon. She's considered as the British greatest female legends. With her role in "Breakfast at Tiffany's", she puts new fashion standards. She is known for her elegance, style in and out of scene. In my opinion she is an image of fashion of that time, but shows them flawlessly and with her own perfectionism.
"Е, в този брак ние бяхме трима, така че беше малко пренаселено", не си затваря очите за очевидното, а напротив, заявява гласно, че няма да търпи токова отношение към нея. Отстоява себе си, нещо което малко жени умеят да правят. Няма нужда да споменавам това колко много ми харесва начина й на обличане. Тя просто е прекрасна, като истинска принцеса с гордо вдигната глава.
5) Diana Spenser/1961-1997/- Diana Spenser or best known as Princess Diana was the wife of Prins Charls. They call her "the people's princess" because she has done a lot about the charity all around the world. What I most admire about her is that apart from that she was a queen, they executed from her to comport in that way, she did it and says " There were
three people in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded". So
she doesn't feel embarrassed to say it out loud. She asserted
woman can do. No need to mention the fabulous way she
used to dress.
Това са моите топ 5 най-влиятелни жени, не само в модата, но изобщо, тези на които се възхищавам и покланям.
These are my top 5 woman I admire.